RECIPE: Pumpkin and Pointed Gourd Fry/ Kumro ar Potol Bhaja  

Some pumpkin dishes are quite simple to make. I personally love pumpkin dishes a lot, especially the fried ones.

One of the best parts of pumpkin is that it can be teamed up with many other vegetables like potato, bitter gourd, pointed gourd, etc.

In this post, I am going to share how you can team pumpkin up with pointed gourd. This dish is known as Kumro ar Potol Bhaja in Bengali (Pumpkin and Pointed Gourd Fry).

So, take a look at the recipe below.



Kalo Jeere (black cumin seeds)

Green chillies


Pointed Gourd 


Sugar (optional)


Heat the kadai.

Add oil.

Add Kalo Jeere.

Add the pointed gourd first and cook it until it starts to soften.

When the pointed gourd starts to soften a little, add the pumpkin, stir, and cook for a while.

And after that, add salt and turmeric powder.

Since pumpkin is sweet, sugar is not necessary. But I really love adding sugar to some pumpkin dishes, like this one.

Regarding green chilli, you can choose how spicily you want your food to be prepared. As I wanted it to be less hot, I added the chillies when I was adding the pumpkin.

This dish goes nicely with both roti and rice.

You can also check out this video:

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