Simple and easy egg curry


Sunday ho ya Monday roz khao ande! I guess I literally live up to this saying. Often when we see our favourite food we fail to resist and sometimes even end up eating more than necessary. The same thing happens when I see yummy egg dishes. I always make sure that eggs occupy a decent space in the refrigerator. Yes, that much obsessed I am with egg. So, this blog post is dedicated to all the egg lovers.


This is a simple and easy egg preparation. It won’t take much of your time. This is apt for busy people who love to prepare their own dishes but have little time to cook.  So, let’s get started.




Boiled eggs, oil, onion, tomato, capsicum, ginger, garlic, green chilli, turmeric powder, cumin powder, salt to taste.

Chop onion, tomato, and capsicum.

Make a paste of ginger and garlic.

Make a paste of turmeric powder and cumin powder. Or you can add the spices directly while cooking.



Heat oil in a kadai/pan.

Then fry the boiled eggs by adding a pinch of turmeric powder on them. Once fried, keep the eggs aside in a bowl.

Now add onions and keep stirring and fry until the onions turn golden to light brown. Then add capsicum and green chilli and fry until they turn soft. Once they have become soft, add tomato.

Once the above mentioned ingredients are cooked well, add ginger-garlic paste and turmeric-cumin powder paste. Add salt to taste. Mix well and fry till the oil begins to separate from the spices.

Then add half a cup of hot/cold water, bring to a boil.

Now add the eggs to the gravy.

Adjust the flame and cook for around 10 minutes.

Enjoy your egg curry with rice or Chapati 🙂


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