For you, Gardenia

Happiness in little things…


I am so happy because it finally bloomed.


A year back, I had purchased a pair of flowering plants. After a couple of weeks of watering and nurturing them, we saw flowers on one of the plants and our joy knew no bounds. The flowers had two different colours. However, there was no sign of any flower on the other plant.


Weeks passed by, months passed by, and seasons passed by, but the other plant remained as it is, flowerless. After a point we gave up hope, but did not stop watering it.


In the end of March this year, finally, a graceful white flower bloomed. I was surprised. I did notice the buds before, but didn’t expect them to be flower buds, especially after a year. I was not sure, but nature surprised me in a sweet way. Soon the plant was adorned with some more beautiful white flowers. On a rainy morning, the plant with its glossy leaves and creamy white flowers looked all the more beautiful. It made my day.



In Bengali, we call this flower ‘Gondhoraj’. Gondhoraj or Gardenias have sweet fragrance, and according to a website, they are not the easiest shrubs to grow. They need a lot of respect and care.


Here’s a poem dedicated to this special guest:


For you, Gardenia     


I brought you home a year back.

I might have not treated you like a queen,

but you can’t say I never cared for you.

So egoistic you are that last season

you did not care to bloom!

I had eagerly waited for you…


So, who cajoled you this season?

The sun? The rain?


Let me tell you something

I thought I gave up hope,

but in reality,

I was hoping for a miracle.


Thank you,

for surprising me after a year.


By the way, your fragrance is so intoxicating

that any heart would melt!!!



Such a tiny thing and yet so powerful to make someone happy….

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