Darkness of a night, soft melancholic songs and tear drops…


Dear moon,

It seems the darkness of a night, soft melancholic songs and tear drops share an exceptional bonding. Are they inseparable best buddies? If the songs would meet darkness then tear drops would automatically make its presence felt. Why do they love one other so much? Why do they have to accompany one other? Their unconditional bonding astonishes me.

Whenever the three of them greet one other, my heart experiences something…something that I cannot express in plain words. The feeling is beyond words but it is strong, very strong. I had tried to name it but every attempt met the same consequence: failure. Whenever the meeting of the three buddies occurs, I find my heart sunk in a sea of deep emotion. I wonder why I go through such an emotional deluge. The surprising part is my heart bleeds but still I want the emotional deluge to pause, at least for a few more minutes. And during every meeting, I find myself lying on the bed covered with a bed sheet, staring the sky from the wooden glass window and dropping tears profusely. Every session acts as a catharsis because every time before disappearing, the cascade washes a part of burden away from my heart. I do not know what burden is this but once the thing has departed I feel light, hug my pillow and sleep tight.

I am expressing this to you because I am aware that you know everything. You observe the drama by sitting over there, up above the sky. I know you laugh at my actions and reactions. I would be glad if you visit me in my dream and explain what exactly is happening here. Hope my letter reaches you and I get to see you in my dream world soon. Till then, good night… sweet dreams…sleep tight!!!


A girl from the earth




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