In the accompaniment of old memories

Image courtesy-google
Image courtesy-google

Happiness does not always mean a posh café or a shopping destination. One can be happy even by cherishing the reminiscence of old days and some melodious songs. In order to experience this, today evening, I stepped out of my room and visited those old lanes alone which are stuffed with happy memories. I was content after the soul satisfying experience.

I was supposed to meet my friends in the afternoon. However, our plan got cancelled. I busied myself with a novel but after sometime started getting bored and impatient. It pained to sit in the hostel room and watch the four yellow walls around me. My roommate too was not there with whom I could have shared some jokes and laughed. So, I had to go somewhere to get rid of this monotony. I thought hard about where I can go alone and feel happy. And then an idea struck my mind.

I changed into a blue jeans matched with a rust colored check shirt, took my wallet and walkman and stepped out of the hostel. I visited those old lanes which I often frequented during my college and university days. Within few minutes, my mind was amidst the sea of nostalgic memories. My heart felt happy to notice the same puchkawala, jhalmuriwala and tea stall. It was heart warming to observe that rock bench still in the same place where we used to sit, gossip and joke endlessly. While thinking about those days, a smile automatically came to my face. I thought what is so wrong in visiting these lanes often. Then realized it would perhaps kill the charm.

It’s not that I had forgotten about my old days. It’s just that I was too occupied with my hectic life. It’s just that I did not get the time to think. And it’s just that I did not feel the need to revisit my old days…


  1. awsm di…really old memories bring smile n simultaneously tears also…..u have felt happy when u have seen same puchka wala n jhalmuriwala but i’ll feel happy if i’ll see same warapawo wala n faluda wala 🙂

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