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Image courtesy – google

Obsession is one of the key reasons behind happiness in my life. Earlier, I was obsessed with dance and sports, now it is reading and writing with which I am obsessed. Without obsessions, I would surely have succumbed to boredom.

I cannot imagine my life without it.

Obsessions provide me reasons to wake up in the morning with a smile on my face.

My activities and thought processes are guided by my obsession.

My obsession helps me find the purpose of my life.

It also enables me to treat bad experiences as a few bad chapters of life.

It also guides me to discover happiness and positives in every happenings of life.

Thus, I am happy to be obsessed with my obsessions!

Now let me know what are your obsessions?


  1. There should be an obsession in everyone’s life. Nice thought. My obsession is about Colors, Paper, Pencil and of course a Cloudy day to work.

    • Hi Samaresh,

      I agree with your point. However, I feel that the obsession should be genuine enough to shape one’s life for the betterment.

      Good to know about your “creative obsession”….. keep nurturing it…

      And thanks for your observation ….


  2. Congratulations for your literary obsession, friend. Short, sweet & interesting topic. Talking about obsession, well ask the “selfie queens” today! On a serious note, I personally feel obsessions can be categorized into two distinct types: positive and negative. Dancing, writing, reading, colors or wanderlust – all of them are positive obsessions, that trigger generous doses of creativity concealed in each one of us. My sister (cousin) Meghna, is obsessed with Salsa and the creative arts, or “fine arts” that involve painting, sketching, creating soft toys, giving shape to traditional patterns called “alpona” in Bengali, writing her diary and plenty of other creative ventures. Again, I’m talking about positive obsessions.

    However, I’ve met some people who are obsessed with ‘anxiety’. Yes, they are obsessed with depression, ‘negative’ self-talk and nightmares. Seems they derive great joy victimizing themselves. They’ve embraced this negative obsession and are just unwilling to part with it. And to justify it, they accuse God of non-cooperating with them. Most people with negative obsession even refuse to believe the existence of the Almighty. I personally feel the key to a balanced life is to replace your negative obsessions with positive ones, irrespective of the circumstances that encompass you.

    Now, coming to my obsessions, well they are so many of them. Plenty, of you take into consideration obsessions of my past. So, let’s talk just about the obsessions of the present-day. Since 2013-end, I’ve started connecting deeply with Lord Krishna, who has been my Friend, my divine Companion ever since I’ve been attracted to Him. He has led me towards the sacred “Kirtans” sung in His praise, the daily “Harinaam” (Hare Krishna Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hara Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare) and Iskcon, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. My beloved Lord has helped me wriggle out of attachment in several ways, and encouraged me to steer clear of expectations. He helped me realize that no one can love you more than the Lord. The Creator. The Preserver. I was just waiting for the day when He would appear in my dreams at night. Of late, another obsession has been Sanskrit. I’m feeling drawn to it and trying to read Sanskrit “slokas” (hymns), and listen to Sanskrit songs (of course with English translation). I regret not being taught this rich language of the Vedas, in school. The song composed by Sanskrit poet, “Jayadev” in “Geeta Govinda”, “Chandana charchita neela kalebara” is always in my mind since last two days.

    My obsession has also manifested itself through ‘Meera’s bhajans’ which charges me every time I hear them. Words cannot express the kind of divine ecstasy and trance that pierces my soul when I hum some of them. Nowadays, I feel more in love with life. You can say life itself, has become an obsession for me in the form of Lord Krishna. Maybe it is this fierce obsession that compelled me to comment on your lovely blog while I’m in office, and expected to complete my professional commitments rather than anything else. Such a pleasure reading your blog dear. Accept my apologies though, for such a lengthy comment. But then, you instigated my expression by writing on my favorite topic. Stay blessed and waiting for more such exciting blogs from you dear writer buddy.

  3. Hi Tania,
    It was great to learn about your obsessions. Reading good books and writing can give you much pleasure. Now coming to my obsessions, I think I am obsessed with travelling. Be it travelling with family, friends or colleagues for an office trip, I love to travel. I plan to see much of this beautiful world and want to explore places where not much people have gone to. I can share the experience of one of my such visits. Recently, I had gone to a place called Namring Tea Estate in Darjeeling district. It was due to an office trip. It is a small and peaceful village near Takdah. It is not far off from Mongpu, the place where Rabindranath Tagore had a house. The place is not explored by tourists as it is not a tourist destination. But the orange gardens, the calmness of the village, the serenity of the place after the village dozes off to sleep early at 9 in the evening has mesmerized me. Adding to this, the day when we had visited the place, was a full moon day. I was so wooed by the place that I plan to visit more such off beat places in future. But, saying so I would not like to visit the same place twice, as I beleive that a place cannot charm you to the extent that it had done during your first visit. So I wish to visit a lot of places,but revisiting them is not on my cards presently.
    By the way, it is a good piece of writing. Keep writing and keep inspiring us.
    Thank you,

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