When water made me happy


It was a Friday evening and my heart was cajoling my mind to play with water. As soon as my office got over I headed straight to the swimming club. I am allowed to swim six days a week but my other commitments have forced me to be an occasional swimmer. I was swimming after a gap of two weeks.

Usually the class starts at 7.30 pm. At 7.25 I proceeded towards the pool. The swimming pool was inviting me like a magnet. I was just about to dive in when the trainer stopped me, “Wait. The bell is yet to ring”.

I counted the odd 60 seconds  and as soon as the bell rang I leapt into the water. I feel ecstatic whenever I am surrounded by the clear water of the pool. That day, the water was so clean, that even the bottom of the pool was visible. I swam free style. After few strokes I noticed that the bottom of the swimming pool was gleaming. It resembled the body of a glamorous fish whose scales shine. This giant fish-body was amazingly exhibiting the colours of rainbow. The border of each scale was constantly moving due to the wave of the water. Probably, the halogen light, the blue-colored-tiles of the floor and the waves in the pool, together created this magical view. It looked like a fairyland. Amazing. I wonder why I never felt like this before! I have still preserved that image in my memory’s treasure box.

The swimming pool is huge and is divided mainly into two parts: one part is filled up with clear water and the other with muddy water. To be very honest, I am not comfortable with the dark water. It looks scary at night. However, sometimes I challenge my fear and plunge into the dusky water. The moment I reach the middle of the pool, lots of scary imaginations start ruling my mind. It’s more than 30 ft. deep, who knows what lies deep down the pool. If some undefined creature silently pulls me deep down the pool, just the way the mermaids in the movie ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides’ did, nobody will be able to discover me. Whenever this fear engulfs me I swim faster and rich straight to the ladder. The fact that it is night and only few swimmers are there turns the scenario more ghostly. Well, I know staffs are there to keep an eye on us but still I can’t get rid of this stupid psychological fear.

The smooth swimming of others in this dark water startles me. They are so comfortable with the mystery of its darkness. Some of the swimmers might be even dreaming of crossing the English Channel someday and this very dark water is a stepping stone for them.

I too hope to overcome my fear someday or else my dream of scuba diving will remain a dream forever…

Anyways, now let’s come back to the mesmerizing fairyland.

After a few minutes, it started drizzling which turned the beautiful fairy land more captivating. I paused; opened my swimming goggle and stared at the sky. The ambience was so thrilling. I turned my eyes back towards the pool. The rain drops were elegantly falling on the pool and were taking the shapes of bubbles of various sizes. One bubble broke, another formed and the process continued. To add more charm to the process, the droplets of rain were emitting delightful sound. The entire process was so captivating that I felt like talking to the cute droplets.

I silently stared at the droplets for some time then went underwater. Unlike the upper layer of the water, the condition of the bottom was different. Here the water was calm and serene as if it was in a meditative mode. It felt ecstatic to explore its tranquility. I wished to swim for few more hours but it was time to leave the pool.

I changed into dry clothes, had an egg poach and a boiled egg from the canteen and took an auto to reach the metro station. It was still drizzling. Suddenly a red hatchback grabbed my attention. I found a little girl immersed in her tiny world. She was drawing some images in the foggy widow.

………..different people have different ways to enjoy the water…


  1. Very nicely written …. can visualize that last line ‘ a little girl immersed in her tiny world. She was drawing some images in the foggy widow. … good

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